We have an area of high conservation value in our farms, and put effort into taking care of the ecosystem where wildlife is housed. Since 2010 we started a reforestation plan with ICE (National Electricity Institute), planting 727 native trees in Santa Rita Experimental Farm. We maintain and protect 25 hectares of forest.
Supporting the community

Our well-being goes hand in hand with the well-being of the communities that surround us. We support an array of local organizations and promote sport in the workplace and in the community.
Supporting sport activities

Every year we celebrate Christmas with our employees and their families, the prosperity and integration of the families strengthen our organization. Children are our future.
Christmas party

Our collaborators have an Employee Solidarity Association (ASEDELSOL), which has been active for 15 years. It generates dividends to its associates through their different undertakings, among them, the sale of transportation services to Melones del Sol with their truck. It also manages a housing project for associates, and the possibility of granting loans to its associates.
Employee Solidarity Association

Student Benefits
Education is vital and an engine for change, we motivate and provide incentives for our employees to study. We mainly support women in disadvantaged or vulnerable situations
Kimberly Villegas Solís
Jessica Arauz Alvarado
JOHAN sequeira garro
During the low season, our employees have access to plant plots in our experimental farm in Santa Rita for their own consumption, thus helping families to a healthier and more sustainable diet.
Land loans to employees

Job stability
We maintain a fixed payroll throughout the year for workers who have the knowledge and training of melon cultivation in each of the production processes until packaging. This way we guarantee the work and financial stability of our employees, as well as the commitment to produce with an experienced team.