
Santa Rita's
Experimental Farm

Biofumigation or Solarization
Soil improvers
We have an area of high conservation value in our farms, and put effort into taking care of the ecosystem where wildlife is housed. Since 2010 we started a reforestation plan with ICE (National Electricity Institute), planting 727 native trees in Santa Rita Experimental Farm. We maintain and protect 25 hectares of forest.
Reforestation plan with ICE


Santa Rita's
Experimental Farm
Our commitment is balance, we have a protected area.

Santa Rita's Experimental Farm
Soil improvers
Planting Mucuna beans we fix nitrogen to the soil, reducing fertilizer applications, which generates a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Biofumigation or Solarization
It is a technique that disinfects the soil naturally, the sun's rays pass through the plastic which creates intense heat and even more water, destroying most insect pests, pathogens and weeds. It is the most environmentally friendly technique.

Watershed and live fencing protection

We apply the 3Rs

We avoid waste
We avoid soil erosion
We avoid soil erosion
On farms where runoff passages are detected, we make channels bordering the farm to avoid soil erosion and crop rotation, which allows us to reduce erosion.

Watershed and live fencing protection
We protect the ecosystem in each of our farms and those of our neighbors. All of our farms have live fences (shrubs and trees planted with little space between them in order to separate the growing areas).
Puerto Thiel Farm

Finca Ugalde's live fencing

Finca Bomba's live fencing

We apply the 3Rs: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
All of our waste is managed with authorized entities that assure environmental responsibility practices, we work with a Recyplast recycler, we recycle all our plastic waste used in our production process

We avoid waste
The melon waste is used by the ranchers of the area, to feed the bovine cattle, which suffer from food shortages during the dry season.